Become a Famous Musician in BitLife: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ever dreamed of becoming a rockstar in BitLife? Now's your chance to live out your musical fantasies and become a legendary musician in the game. With the ability to choose your favorite instrument, practice, and eventually become a world-renowned musician, the possibilities are endless.

BitLife Musician Guide: Getting Started

Becoming a musician in BitLife may seem daunting, but with our expert guide, you'll be well on your way to stardom in no time. Here are the essential steps to follow:

  1. Start taking musical instrument lessons at a young age.
  2. Continuously practice your chosen instrument.
  3. Graduate from high school.
  4. Secure a musician job.

Characters with the music talent trait will have an easier time learning a musical instrument, starting with a higher skill level. This trait is randomly assigned when creating a character, but with God Mode, you can select the music talent trait.

Learning to Play an Instrument in BitLife

The first step to becoming a famous musician is learning to play an instrument. To do this, start by asking your parents for lessons when you're at least six years old. From the activities screen, choose the instrument you want to play. If your parents agree, you can begin taking lessons and practicing to improve your skills.

Keep in mind that after turning 18, lessons require money, so you'll need to start paying for them.

You can learn multiple instruments at once, increasing your skill level with each one. Some instruments may come naturally to your character, so experimenting with different options is a good idea.

All Instruments in BitLife

Here are all the instruments you can learn in BitLife:

Becoming a Famous Musician in BitLife

When you're ready to take the stage, go to the occupation tab and look for the special careers option. Choose the musician option and decide whether to join a band or become a solo artist.

Keep in mind that you can't pursue a music career while attending university. You'll need to choose between joining a band or going solo, as each path has its unique requirements and benefits.

We recommend reaching a 90% skill talent with your instrument before trying to join a band or secure a record deal.

Increasing Your Instrument Skill Talent in BitLife

To increase your instrument skill level, dedicate yourself to practicing and perfecting your craft. Learning to play an instrument and improving your music skills in BitLife takes time and effort, but the payoff can be immense.

By following these steps and continuously taking lessons to improve your instrument skills, you'll be well on your way to becoming a famous musician in BitLife.

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